Hi Alex,

Thanks for your review. Please find "SJ>" inline.

Seil Jeon

-----Original Message-----
From: dmm [mailto:dmm-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Alexandre Petrescu
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 6:42 PM
To: dmm@ietf.org
Subject: [DMM] Comments on draft-sijeon-dmm-use-cases-api-source-04

Hi DMMers,

I read draft-sijeon-dmm-use-cases-api-source-04 and I have a few comments:

> Applications such as a text-based web browsing or information-centric 
> service, e.g. weather and stock information, as well as legacy 
> applications may belong to this category.  As many applications 
> require short-lived Internet connection without session continuity and 
> IP address reachability,

These are _interactive_ web browsing applications - both the text-based such
as lynx, and graphics-based such as firefox browsers, are interactive and
needs a short-lived Internet connection, such as a short-lived TCP socket
(user clicks, socket opens, retrieve page through that socket, socket
closes, then user clicks again - that's interactivity).

It is little qualified to call them 'text-based'.

The same with 'information-centric' - there should be a better term for
that.  It is typically data that is 'consumed' by the human user (as opposed
to POSTing data, and as opposed to consumption by machines).  It would be
better to talk about such consuming, rather than 'information-centric' which
may make think of ICN: information-centric networking.

SJ> O.K. I get your point. But some "interactive" applications need session
continuity, so the term may not be in the correct meaning we'd like to
express. How do you think "non-persistent IP connection" instead of them?

> The suggested flag, IPV6_REQUIRE_NON-PERSISTENT_IP, defined in 
> [I-D.ietf-dmm-ondemand-mobility] is used for expressing its preference 
> to the IP stack.

This is a parameter to which function?  To socket ()?  ioctl ()?  Is there a
brief example of 5 lines of C code about how to call it?

SJ> It's a Socket API defined in the on-demand mobility draft. It explains
what will be the normal operation in the given use case. Description about
the on-demand Socket API is copied from

The following new flags are defined in this document and they shall
   be used with Socket API in compliance with the [RFC5014]:

   IPV6_REQUIRE_FIXED_IP /* Require a Fixed IP address as source */

   IPV6_REQUIRE_SESSION_LASTING_IP /* Require a Session-lasting IP
   address as source */

   IPV6_REQUIRE_NON-PERSISTENT_IP /* Require a Non-persistent IP address
   as source */


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