Hi Lorenzo,


You can find my comments inline.



Seil Jeon


From: Lorenzo Colitti [mailto:lore...@google.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 1:01 PM
To: Seil Jeon <seilj...@gmail.com>
Cc: dmm@ietf.org; Moses, Danny <danny.mo...@intel.com>; Peter McCann 
<peter.mcc...@huawei.com>; john.kaippallima...@huawei.com
Subject: Re: [DMM] WGLC for draft-ietf-dmm-ondemand-mobility-08


Seil Jeon,


I'm not sure I understand. The draft implies that IPV6_REQUIRE_SRC_ON_NET 
forces the device to talk to the network even if it already has a prefix from 
the current network. Why do this?


No. it doesn’t force to the IP stack. It is just telling what additional 
requirement of the application to the IP stack. If the stack has it from the 
current serving network, the best-matched one will be used. Or, it will request 
a new one.


Suppose the following sequence of events occurs.

1.      The device has a mobile (e.g., session-lasting) IPv6 prefix only.
2.      The device moves to a new attachment point and its only prefix (and 
only IP addresses) are now subject to suboptimal latency.
3.      An application wants to use an IPv6 address from the local network, in 
order to minimize latency.
4.      The device does not have a local prefix assigned by the local network, 
so it gets a local prefix from the network. This takes 1-2 seconds.
5.      100ms later, another application wants to use an IPv6 address from the 
local network.

At point 5, it is much more faster for the host to say, "I already have a 
prefix from the local network, I will just create a new address from that 
prefix" than to talk to the network.


I’m not sure what local prefix you mean. I don’t know what default policy to 
assign an IPv6 prefix to the host in your scenario. But if you mean the local 
prefix as session-lasting IP prefix, once the IP stack gets the prefix at step 
4, it will not need step 5.


In step 4, the local prefix could be non-persistent IP address, not 
session-lasting IP address. And suppose one or more session-lasting IP 
addresses are already existing in the stack. Then, a new application requiring 
on-net property will need a session-lasting IP prefix from the current serving 


The purpose of the on-net property is to help an application get a prefix 
assigned from the current serving network.




Is IPV6_REQUIRE_SRC_ON_NET defined because at step 2, the device does not know 
it has moved?


This draft doesn’t talk about any mobility protocol, but just dealing with how 
application’s IP address requirement can be delivered to the IP stack. The 
on-net API also belongs to the same goal.







On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 12:42 PM, Seil Jeon <seilj...@gmail.com 
<mailto:seilj...@gmail.com> > wrote:

Hi Lorenzo,


Please see inline.



Seil Jeon


From: dmm [mailto:dmm-boun...@ietf.org <mailto:dmm-boun...@ietf.org> ] On 
Behalf Of Lorenzo Colitti
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 12:20 AM
To: Moses, Danny <danny.mo...@intel.com <mailto:danny.mo...@intel.com> >
Cc: draft-ietf-dmm-ondemand-mobil...@ietf.org 
<mailto:draft-ietf-dmm-ondemand-mobil...@ietf.org> ; Peter McCann 
<peter.mcc...@huawei.com <mailto:peter.mcc...@huawei.com> >; dmm@ietf.org 
Subject: Re: [DMM] WGLC for draft-ietf-dmm-ondemand-mobility-08




I don't think assigning addresses vs. assigning prefixes is a question only of 


For example, consider the IPV6_REQUIRE_SRC_ON_NET flag. If the network is 
following IP addressing best practices, I don't see a need for it. If a host 
already has an IPv6 address of the desired type, what's the point of sending a 
request to the network to obtain one?


The reason is well described in  
https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-sijeon-dmm-use-cases-api-source-05 like 


Acquiring a new session-lasting IP address may take some

   time (due to the exchange with the network) while using an existing

   one is instantaneous.  On the other hand, using the existing one

   might yield less optimal routing.  For example, the use of the IP

   address with an existing one configured might provide a suboptimal

   routing path as a result of a handover.  This situation might not be

   preferred by newly initiated applications because the application

   incurs the costs of IP mobility even though the MN has not moved from

   the current serving network.  Eventually, the new session is served

   by a remote IP mobility anchor with mobility management functions,

   though the MN has not moved yet.


Is it so that the requesting app can obtain a new IP address with the desired 
properties, unique to that particular socket? But if so, the host should just 
create a new address for that socket, with the desired properties. The network 
should not be requiring that the host ask for individual IP addresses; it 
should be allowing the host to form more IP addresses without requesting them.


In any case: since the socket options defined in this draft are IPv6-only, it 
only needs to concern itself with IPv6, and we're really only left with one 
case: a prefix. If so, how about the following?


“By issuing a request to the network” you pointed out in the previous mails has 
been described as the on demand nature for a long time in [I-D. 
draft-ietf-dmm-ondemand-mobility]. If it is an issue INDEED, it needs to be 
revised not with individual address but with prefix. Would it be better?


Second, from your text, the reason to use the proposed API is not to use the 
address based on the same prefix. “Creating a new one from an existing prefix 
of the desired type” is away from the intention.



When the IP stack is required to use a source IP address of a specific type, it 
can perform one of the following: it can use an existing address with the 
desired type (if it has one), or it can create a new one from an existing 
prefix of the desired type. If the host does not already have an IPv6 prefix of 
the specific type, it can request one from the network.


Using an address from an existing prefix is faster but might yield a less 
optimal route (if a hand-off event occurred since its configuration), on the 
other hand, acquiring a new IP prefix from the network may take some time (due 
to signaling exchange with the network) and may fail due to network policies.










On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 9:27 PM, Moses, Danny <danny.mo...@intel.com 
<mailto:danny.mo...@intel.com> > wrote:

Firstly, I agree that the only two examples of ‘resource’ type that may result 
with a creation of a source IP address are (i) an IP address and (ii) an IP 
prefix. I cannot think of any other magic, but perhaps some else can…


I am trying to avoid the term ‘prefix’ because it is not directly related to 
the Socket interface and I am trying to separate the definitions related to the 
Socket interface from the definitions related to the interaction between the MN 
and network.


If I mention prefixes, I will have to explain that the network may allocate IP 
addresses or IP sockets and that in cellular networks the recommended mechanism 
is to allocate /64 prefixes… I do not want to get into these details because 
they are not helpful for Socket API users.


However, I do intend to get into these details (and refer to the recommendation 
of RFC 7934) in the drafts that describe the extensions required to convey the 
IP service type between the IP stack in the MN and the network. 


From: Lorenzo Colitti [mailto: <mailto:lore...@google.com> lore...@google.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 13:43
To: Moses, Danny < <mailto:danny.mo...@intel.com> danny.mo...@intel.com>
Cc: Peter McCann < <mailto:peter.mcc...@huawei.com> peter.mcc...@huawei.com>; 
jouni.nospam < <mailto:jouni.nos...@gmail.com> jouni.nos...@gmail.com>;  
draft-ietf-dmm-ondemand-mobil...@ietf.org;  <mailto:dmm@ietf.org> dmm@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [DMM] WGLC for draft-ietf-dmm-ondemand-mobility-08


On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 9:50 AM, Moses, Danny <danny.mo...@intel.com 
<mailto:danny.mo...@intel.com> > wrote:

I think it is important to describe that application developer can influence 
the type of service the IP session is receiving, while being vague about the 
mechanism of address allocation. Since you are concern with the draft using the 
term ‘address’ and I am concern with using the term ‘prefix’, I tried using the 
term ‘network resources’. Yes, it is vague, but that is the intention.


Ok, but what other type of resource can result in the MN being able to use an 
IP address? It seems to me that only an IP address or a prefix will qualify. 
And if allocating address on request is recommended, then that only leaves a 


If there are other types of resource that I'm missing, then "resource" might be 
OK, as long as it has appropriate examples. But if the only two options are 
"address" and "prefix" and "address" is not recommended, then saying "resource" 
is at best unhelpful and at worst misleading.


Can you explain why you are concerned with using the term "prefix"?

A member of the Intel Corporation group of companies

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