Please find below a few notes from an FPC side discussion today.
We will set up the issue tracker tool to track and resolve raised items.
Some items for discussion are in the notes below and will be taken to the


-- FPC discussion 2017-11-16
Danny: Current Policy structure is ok as it is. Charlie fine as well.

FPC deployment examples: Discuss on DMM ML. Decide to move them into the draft 
after the WG went through,
not publish at all or move them to the deployment draft.

Sri: Big document with Yang included. Separate documents vs. single document to 
be decided.

Charlie: Some flaws with consistency and clear definition of -Reference and -ID.
Example: Page 17 top level: Rule-Id-Reference Identifies a rule
Or: "Policy Definition - A set of Policy Definitions"

Charlie to take the name/Id discussion on the list.

Charlie: DPN should be an opaque object.

Satoru: DPN resources reference, fine to be optional (o)

Progressing the draft:
We start using the issues tracker.
Charlie plans to provide 1st round of proposed editorial tweaks by 8th Dec.

Charlie: Issue with 'namespace'. Call it 'space of identifiers'.
Will be addressed by comments due 8th Dec.

Marco: Make clear support for multi-tenancy and Slicing, goes to sect 3.
Marco to add text.

Policy structure:

Charlie: Policy-Definition has both, Rule-Reference and Rule-Id-Reference. 
Latter to be removed. To be fixed.

Satoru: Proposal to move Action-Value to [Rule-Definition]-[Action-Reference]. 
Same for Descriptor-Value, which may go to 

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