
I am trying to adopt dmtcp at our institution and ran into a problem with
the first script that I tried.  The script seems to start fine and perform
a few operations, but then stalls indefinitely consuming 0 cpu in what
looks like a futex wait loop after the process was cloned.  It is a
multi-threaded program and the behavior is the same whether 1 or more
threads is requested.

This is a 3rd party python script, so unfortunately I can't share the code
but I uploaded the strace from a 1-threaded execution:


This is how I executed the dmctp & strace & script:

dmtcp_launch  strace ~/.local/bin/read_fast5_basecaller.py -i uploaded/0/
-o fastq,fast5 -s basecalls6 -t 1 --flowcell FLO-MIN107 --kit SQK-LSK308

And here is the output from the dmtcp_coordinator (which I commanded to
kill after a few minutes of inactivity):

dmtcp_coordinator starting...
    Host: gpint200 (
    Port: 7779
    Checkpoint Interval: 18000
    Exit on last client: 0
Type '?' for help.

[10273] NOTE at dmtcp_coordinator.cpp:1675 in updateCheckpointInterval;
REASON='CheckpointInterval updated (for this computation only)'
     oldInterval = 18000
     theCheckpointInterval = 18000
[10273] NOTE at dmtcp_coordinator.cpp:1081 in onConnect; REASON='worker
     hello_remote.from = 704891f6494a6304-10275-597be341
[10273] NOTE at dmtcp_coordinator.cpp:869 in onData; REASON='Updating
process Information after exec()'
     progname = strace
     msg.from = 704891f6494a6304-40000-597be341
     client->identity() = 704891f6494a6304-10275-597be341
[10273] NOTE at dmtcp_coordinator.cpp:1081 in onConnect; REASON='worker
     hello_remote.from = 704891f6494a6304-40000-597be341
[10273] NOTE at dmtcp_coordinator.cpp:860 in onData; REASON='Updating
process Information after fork()'
     client->hostname() = gpint200
     client->progname() = strace_(forked)
     msg.from = 704891f6494a6304-41000-597be341
     client->identity() = 704891f6494a6304-40000-597be341
[10273] NOTE at dmtcp_coordinator.cpp:869 in onData; REASON='Updating
process Information after exec()'
[10273] NOTE at dmtcp_coordinator.cpp:1081 in onConnect; REASON='worker
     hello_remote.from = 704891f6494a6304-40000-597be341
[10273] NOTE at dmtcp_coordinator.cpp:860 in onData; REASON='Updating
process Information after fork()'
     client->hostname() = gpint200
     client->progname() = strace_(forked)
     msg.from = 704891f6494a6304-41000-597be341
     client->identity() = 704891f6494a6304-40000-597be341
[10273] NOTE at dmtcp_coordinator.cpp:869 in onData; REASON='Updating
process Information after exec()'
     progname = python3.4
     msg.from = 704891f6494a6304-41000-597be341
     client->identity() = 704891f6494a6304-41000-597be341
[10273] NOTE at dmtcp_coordinator.cpp:1081 in onConnect; REASON='worker
     hello_remote.from = 704891f6494a6304-41000-597be341
[10273] NOTE at dmtcp_coordinator.cpp:603 in handleUserCommand;
REASON='Killing all connected Peers...'
[10273] NOTE at dmtcp_coordinator.cpp:919 in onDisconnect; REASON='client
     client->identity() = 704891f6494a6304-40000-597be341
     client->progname() = strace
[10273] NOTE at dmtcp_coordinator.cpp:919 in onDisconnect; REASON='client
     client->identity() = 704891f6494a6304-41000-597be341
     client->progname() = python3.4_(forked)
[10273] NOTE at dmtcp_coordinator.cpp:919 in onDisconnect; REASON='client
     client->identity() = 704891f6494a6304-41000-597be341
     client->progname() = python3.4
Client List:
[10273] NOTE at dmtcp_coordinator.cpp:590 in handleUserCommand;
REASON='killing all connected peers and quitting ...'
DMTCP coordinator exiting... (per request)

This is a process that on large data sets can take a few days on a 32 core
node, so it is something that we would really like to be able to checkpoint
on our cluster.

Please let me know how I can help debug this with you.  I've tried versions
1.2.5 and 2.4.8 and 2.5 and they all have the same problem.

Rob Egan
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