Am Dienstag, 17. März 2015, 01:20:43 schrieb Jude Nelson:
> Hey everyone,

Hi Jude!

> I have the latest news on vdev over the past two weeks.  I'm not sure if
> the news from last week made it to the mailing list; apologies if the
> latter half of this email is redundant.
> [Week of March 15]
> This week, the Linux port of vdev is now accesses /sys in a manner that
> is fully consistent with the rules set forth here:
>  This closes
> issue #14.

Wow, thank you! You put a lot of work into this.

I am really considering using Devuan with vdev on my server VM.

I like the approach to let one tool do one thing and do it well and even 
more flexible than the current main stream implementations.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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