KatolaZ <kato...@freaknet.org> wrote:

> Just please try to
> avoid falling in the same "everybody needs to boot-up in 12 seconds
> because high availability requires so" rhetoric championed by
> systemd-fanboys.

More to the point, I'd rather have reliability over speed any day. If the 
system boots reliably in 2 minutes vs "less deterministically" in one then I'll 
take the 2 minutes.

But one trick that the desktop vendors are doing, and I suspect SystemD are 
copying, is to "fake" a fast boot. By prioritising certain bits, you get the 
illusion of a fast boot (getting to draw a desktop) - but if you try and 
actually do anything straight away it "doesn't work" while all those services 
are starting in the background. I've noticed Win10 is particularly aggressive 
at this since "time to a desktop" seems to be such a key metric these days.

But, if you are going to boot slowly and methodically, it helps if there's 
signs of progress. There's nothing that gets people impatient better than 
something that appears to be taking a long time "doing nothing" !

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