Le 24/09/2015 19:54, KatolaZ a écrit :
But let's be honest here: how many times does it happen that you have
to reboot a production server nowadays? It is quite rare that a
failing program actually needs a reboot, right? And even when it
happens, 1 minute or 5 minutes boot won't change your overall uptime
percentage that much. If you are at 99.999% with a 1 minute boot
(which corresponds to one reboot every 2 months and a half, already
ways too much for the vast majority of production servers) with an
exagerated 5 minutes boot you will move to 99.995%.

    Dear Katolaz,

I'm sory but you only think "server". I think this dpendency-base startup and supervision is primarily dedicated to laptops, although there must be other cases needing ultra-fast boots. Linux is not dedicated only to big server farms.

I agree with Rainer that services should be able to handle failures gently; I have defended this position on this list in another thread already. However ultra-fast start-up is something I definitely want on my laptop. It is usefull in everyday usage, and it is a must in cases when software development needs frequent reboot.

I may not install s6-rc on servers, although I don't know why; but I will certainly install it on laptops and desktops.


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