Hi Jude,

I just saw the header:

#include <fskit/fskit.h>

in "fuse/fskit_fuse.h". So 'libfskit-fuse' depens on 'libfskit'.



On 10/11/15 20:43, Jude Nelson wrote:
Hi aitor_czr,

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 7:25 AM, aitor_czr <aitor_...@gnuinos.org <mailto:aitor_...@gnuinos.org>> wrote:

    I uploaded fskit to gitlab:


That's a very outdated version of fskit. The latest one (the one consistent with vdev) is in github: https://github.com/jcnelson/fskit

    I didn't see the dpkg template in 'contrib/debian'. That blindness !!

    Now, i see some significant differences between this template and
    mine. In my opinion:

    1.- '/usr/lib/libfskit.so' and 'usr/lib/libfskit_fuse.so'
    dinamical libraries must be included in the respective
    *-dev.install files, instead of 'libfskit.install' and

    2.- libfskit depends on libfskit-fuse and not the other way
    around, because libfskit-fuse is the backend (I did it so in Netman).

    Isn't it?

It's the other way around: libfskit-fuse depends on libfskit. But unless you're packaging vdevfs along with vdevd, you don't need libfskit at all :)


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