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On Mon, 14 Dec 2015 23:58:35 +0100
Florian Zieboll <> wrote:

> Hi Edward,
> Claws-Mail works perfectly fine with gmail, as does any other IMAP
> capable mail client I know. Just RTFL (yes, the connection log!) to
> find out that you need to change your google account preferences to
> allow IMAP connections. Any other problems should be solved quickly
> following this link:
> This may sound a bit rude, but come on, you are writing a rather
> complex piece of software and give up on your mail client refusing to
> connect to a server? I am far from calling myself a programmer, but
> from other project work, I feel qualified to give you a kind advice:
> If working on netman becomes so important to you, that it hinders you
> from doing such basic troubleshooting, it might be good to take a
> step back and have a look at the bigger picture. 
> All the best for you and netman,
> Florian

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