Some suggestions for minor updates to quick start translations.

There is a change in devuan that means it's no longer necessary to do "apt-get 
install sysvinit core" anymore, also "apt-get install basefiles" is not 

As mentioned before, adding the user to the disk group is not needed anymore. 
Feel free to change wordings to whatever you like, the CC license allows that 

A quick suggestion for working with markdown format.. where commands are done, 
or snippets of config files, it is necessary to use return carriages in mark 
down after each new line or they will display on the same line. This would 
basically mean I don't need to comment on changing the formatting for them, so 
content will look better. 

Anyway, will leave it up to translators if they feel this is worth doing, the 
newer version is what I'm working with now because it fixed some bigger issues 
with the guide 
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