On 04/23/2016 01:58 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
On Fri, 22 Apr 2016 18:18:56 +0200
Didier Kryn <k...@in2p3.fr> wrote:

      Interesting discussion on Microsoft involvement with Linux:

      I cite a sentence:
   "More recently, a minority have muttered that Systemd is an attempt
by Red Hat to monopolize the Linux operating system."

      I wonder who's that minority...
This might be a good time to remember the 2006 Redhat Smoking Gun


Red Hat's model works because of the complexity of the technology we
work with. An operating platform has a lot of moving parts, and
customers are willing to pay to be insulated from that complexity.

I don't think you can take one finite element - like Apache - and make
a business out of it [using our model]. You need product complexity.

Signed, sealed, delivered, they're busted. We aren't "muttering" that
it's a monopolization technique, that's a fact for anyone willing to do
a little research.

Very nice interview. I especially like the lie at the end:

"We create the best platform on which applications can run and compete with each other. That's our business."

What I see about Redhat OS and it's derivatives is, it is not easy to use. So beginners need a bunch more proprietary products to enable them to use it. That is where the money is made. The GUI. "I can just click! doh."

What is the reason people use CentOS? It's in the name and Cpanel is evidence.

The reason I initially used Debian was because it was easy to use. I was comfortable with a keyboard. In fact, if it took to long to get X working after installing on a new workstation, I just wouldn't bother. Now there is much better HW support. So those issues are gone. When something is easy to use, you don't need support.
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