On 170715-15:52-0700, Rick Moen wrote:

> It gives me hope that, some day, even Americans can learn proper
> English.[1]  ;->

> (Apologies to any Latinists for the .signature block.  It's a sly
> reference to current domestic affairs designed to be in good enough
> dog-Latin that it can be deciphered by English-speakers.  Unfortunately,
> the same sentiment in _good_ Latin is opaque to my countrymen who aren't
> Latin-proficient, which would impair the joke.)
> [1] http://linuxmafia.com/~rick/faq/misc.html#accent

That one's funny! LOL

> -- 
> Cheers,                          Homo in Domu Alba, qui est iratus et habet 
> in 
> Rick Moen                        artificialibus capillum:  Quod homo non sit
> r...@linuxmafia.com              honesta, et est perniciosa in rei publicae.
> McQ! (4x80)                           

But pls. people, I don't understand Latin so well... Nor have time to study.
Already breaking down tired from lots of work with polishing my Devuan today...
Could you pls. translate. There'll be others who would benefit...

I'm referring to also:

Renaud OLGIATI wrote:
> Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit...  ;-3)
> Ave atque vale,
> Ron.


Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

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