On 17/11/17 17:04, John Hughes wrote:
On 17/11/17 16:38, Arnt Gulbrandsen wrote:
Didier Kryn writes:
    That's why a bunch of people have endeavoured replacing systemd-udev by mdev or mdevd, something much simpler to configure and not locked-in. The only issue now is that sysfs is unstable on purpose to force libudev on people (sysfs is developped by the same persons which develop udev).

Linus accepts that? Isn't that precisely what he exploded about a few weeks ago? https://lkml.org/lkml/2017/10/26/511

Broken link?

The lkml.org archive contains a broken link.  How odd.  There's another message from Linus with the same subject:


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