Andreas Messer wrote on 05.01.2018 07:55:
> Hi Adam,
> On Thu, Jan 04, 2018 at 11:44:25PM +0100, Adam Borowski wrote:
>> [...]
>> Thus: could you guys please prioritize work on elogind or some alternative?
> Just started yesterday: There was
> already some work by shwsh but that seem to be stalled. (All the devuan
> packet stuff is missing there as well.)[...]

DISCLAIMER: My knowledge in this area is rather limited, so 
please bear with me!

Having that out of the way: First off, I appreciate any effort 
made in that direction! However, I have one question I deem 
important, namely: Will elogind display the same behavior as 
systemd-logind regarding killing long running processes upon 
user logout? IMNSHO it should not, i.e. it should follow the 
principle of least surprise by not killing background user 
processes on logout. 

I gather that it is possible to configure this in sd-logind, 
so I simply assume the same holds for elogind as well. 

However, in message #256 in that same thread Martin Steigerwald 
asserts that this setting breaks shutdown (in the sense of not 
behaving exactly the way it used to with sysvinit). Will elogind 
suffer from the same regression, or will that issue be taken 
care of?

In case this were trivial questions with obvious answers: 
Sorry for wasting your time!

Best regards

Sapere aude!
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