Hi Edward,

On 25/02/18 10:36, Edward Bartolo wrote:
KDE was very pleasant to use back in the days of Debian Sarge and Etch
when it was fast, responsive and light on system resources. Till now,
XFCE is a working alternative with far less bloat and
unresponsiveness, although the latter feature, is creeping in.

Maybe, the best light alternative for KDE fans would be Lumina desktop:


As far as i know, Lumina desktop doesn't use Systemd, DBus, ConsoleKit, PolicyKit...

window managers offer a solution for my future, but the prospect of
having to spend hours upon hours, groping helplessly at the screen
with miniscule font rendering, is something that probably, I no longer
have patience for.

There are customized alternatives using WMs like bunsenlabs (it *still* uses systemd), refracta-ob, heads (with awesome), star, miyolinux, nelum-dev1 and crowz. [*]



[*] If you know about any other one, please let me know.

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