On Tue, 1 May 2018 14:04:05 +0100, KatolaZ wrote in message 

> On Tue, May 01, 2018 at 02:45:00PM +0200, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> [cut]

> > > Now the BTS is broken...except it ain't broken (and the fact that
> > > many users have been able to use it should be a hint). It's just
> > > telling you that it can't retrieve the list of bugs related to
> > > that package. That's because the "feature" is currently
> > > disabled.  
> > 
> > ..why???  This edb bug is
> > https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=840748 and is not
> > yet solved in
> > https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=871041 ...
> > 
> > ...and we shouldn't have to waste effort on needlessly creating
> > duplicate bug reports, if we can drop them right home (upstream 
> > in this case) where they belong.
> >   
> The reason is simple: the BTS (debbugs) has been developed by Debian
> for Debian. It is a quite hairy ball of spaghetti stuff, written in
> four different languages by dozens of people over about 25 years, and,
> believe it or not, it is *quite difficult* to customise.

..that, I can believe. :o) 

> If you have a solution for that, any help will be more than welcome. I
> haven't been able to find a way to do that which does not require
> binning debbugs and using something else. Maybe it's the sane thing to
> do. But "using something else" requires time in testing, porting,
> deploying, and maintaining. And we simple haven't had the required
> energy to do that. You know, we are trying to push ascii out in the
> meanwhile...
> > 
> > ..any amprolla style work on separately fetching bugs in progress?
> >  
> That's not at all related to amprolla,

..ok, by "amprolla style" I was thinking "pass on Debian bugs to
Debian" in the same fashion we "fetch Debian packages from Debian

> but you are welcome to work on that nevertheless. And to submit code.

..easy, once somebody wire me e.g. US$130,000 so I can hire a lawyer
and dump my litigation shit load that way.  Meanwhile, I'm stuck in 
that shit load.

> > ..one way could be use a "Fetch bug reports now?" menu option, and 
> > then add a "Fetch Debian Upstream bug reports now?" menu option, 
> > and then a "Fetch Further Upstream bug reports now?" menu option, 
> > rather than try do it all automatically like Debian's reportbug,
> > "dumping them all in one big messy bug soup bowl."
> >  
> Great. The reporository for reportbug (which is a package that has
> been forked byu Devuan) is available at:
>   https://git.devuan.org/devuan-packages/reportbug
> Patches are welcome. You'll probably find out by yourself how easy is
> to delve into reportbug, and how easy it is to change it.

..this looks easier to do, AFAICT from poking around in my 
reportbug install, e.g. have it check for presence of "/DEVUAN/" 
to decide on who's bug.de**an.org bug reports to check.
Ideas are easy. :o)

> >   
> > > Just hit "y" and continue with your bug report.  
> > 
> > ..willco.
> >   
> > > The list of bugs
> > > related to a package can be retrieved from bugs.devuan.org  
> > 
> > ..https://bugs.devuan.org//cgi/pkgreport.cgi?which=pkg&data=edb
> > now reports: " Devuan bug report logs: package edb
> > There is no record of the edb package, and no bugs have been 
> > filed against it.", possibly because bugs.devuan.org _doesn't_ 
> > check packages that we fetch from Debian, with bugs.debian.org.
> > 
> > ..if it did, it would mention Debian's #840748 and #871041, 
> > _now_ on Tue, 1 May 2018 11:34:58 UTC, _before_ my report.
> >  
> I should have said: the list of bugs related to a package forked by
> Devuan can be retrieved from bugs.devuan.org. We haven't forked edb,
> and I think we don't have any reason to do that,

..agreed. :o)

> so you should report
> the bug upstream (i.e., to Debian) or up-upstream (i.e., to GNU
> Emacs).

..just done: To: 840...@bugs.debian.org, 871...@bugs.debian.org
with Cc: Devuan Bug Tracking System <sub...@bugs.devuan.org>

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.
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