On 2018-05-05 17:00, spiralofhope wrote:
I had airwalled [1] updating working on Debian variants (Lubuntu at
least) some years ago, and I intend to pursue it again once ascii is
out (or if I use the beta).

I searched this mailing list and did not find any topical conversation.
Is anyone here actively doing such a thing?


I have some old scripts that I borrowed from then-quiet projects, and
it all ought to work still.

Pretty simple stuff:

  1. offline:  run offline-script, generate log
  2. online:   bring offline-script log
  3. online:   run online-script, referencing offline-log, download
  4. offline:  bring packages, update packages

(I don't know my stuff, but I get the impression that if all my tools
were broken, I could eventually re-create this process myself.)


  [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_gap_%28networking%29
      This is the sneakernet updating of an offline box:

On the dev1galaxy forum miroR has written extensively about airgapping. That's all way beyond me but you might find something interesting there.

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