On 07/27/2018 01:00 PM, KatolaZ wrote:
> [...] I need to specify here that a *maintainer* is a person who
> follows the changes happening upstream to the packages he/she is
> maintaining on a daily basis, and rebuilds those packages as
> necessary, keeping them updated. And commits herself to do so at
> least for an entire release cycle.
> Unfortunately, most of the great people that helped stripping 
> libsystemd deps in Jessie, just disappeared soon after (also due to 
> the relatively steep learning curve of the Devuan building pipeline, 
> which has been lately somehow simplified by d1h and other tools).
> [...] The real burden is committing to maintaining those changes at
> least for an entire release cycle, better if more than that. That's
> what a *maintainer* should do. [...]

The Devuan site [1] is quite clean but as a side effect lacks a direct
link to the new, more simplified build process, and says to ask via
mail.  Back in the Red Hat 5.2 days, OpenSSH was one of the packages
where I rolled my own RPMs.  APT is different but, famous last words,
how much harder could it be once one gets going?  I can probably follow
a recipe reasonably well, and the second or third time should be easy,
but would be constrained somewhat if a dedicated development machine is
needed locally.  So I would be interested in seeing how feasible it
would be to maintain that package.  Some preliminary searching turns up
nothing about Devuan's build process.

Can you please (re-)post the link to the new Devuan build process?


[1]     https://devuan.org/
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