Quoting wirelessd...@gmail.com (wirelessd...@gmail.com):

> Since looking at Unbound and NSD, I’ve been trying out drill as an 
> alternative developed by the same NLnet people.
> https://www.nlnetlabs.nl/projects/ldns/about/
> Install via the ldnsutils package.

'drill' is the very newest such tool, having advantages over the others
concerning DNSSEC in particular.  It's also claimed to be super-fast on
account of relying on the ldns library.  But the main point is DNSSEC

I was trying to remember the name of the thing during the upthread
discussion, and couldn't quite remember it.  All I could remember that
it was some variation on the concept of digging.  Which, in a way,
underlines one of the real-world reasons we-generic tend to stick with
tools: familiarity.  ;->

(I resisted the migration from nslookup to dig for a while, two decades
ago, because my fingers' muscle-memory and my mind's habits knew all
about how to use nslookup.  It was annoying to start over with 'dig'.)

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