On 11/24/18 1:55 PM, g4sra wrote:

I would appreciate advice on the following situation

I have several hosts of differing architectures or peripherals in a
training room (several training rooms actually but each are independent
of each other) which are supported by a server running the standard *NIX
network services DHCP, BIND etc. The server also has the training
application (which is single install license but multi-user) installed
on it .

How should this training room be best implemented for reliability and
ease of maintenance ?
That is a very general question. You'd have to ask more specific ones to get

useful answers. How many nodes? Do you get to spec the hardware or just the
software? Is the hosted application Windows-based? Web-based? Linux-based?
Are these rooms used only for training on that one application, or is the
app a Learning Management System that can launch several different courses?
Are you asking only about server implementation, or also client? Etc.
Carl Fink

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