Quoting Martin Steigerwald (mar...@lichtvoll.de):

> For those of you how understand german language I highly recommend 
> browsing through the Firefox compendium of Mike KuketzĀ¹.
> I learned a lot of stuff on how to armor Firefox to reduce the amount of 
> abuse by webmasters and advertisement networks. Of course there the the 
> argument of being asocial to webmasters by blocking all the stuff. But 
> currently I do not trust in ethical integrity of advertisement networks 
> and see this as necessary defense.
> [1] https://www.kuketz-blog.de/firefox-umatrix-firefox-kompendium-teil9/

In this case, Google Translate produces a remarkably clear and cogent
Englisch rendition.  I second the recommendation of this series of
articles.  Vielen Dank, Martin.

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