On 1/31/19 3:00 AM, Hendrik Boom wrote:

I have firefox up with a number of tabs.
I shut wifi off on my Purism laptop by shutting off power to the radio.
I start up a new tab by clicking on '+'.
I ask to look at file:///home/hendrik by typing in the url bar.
Nothing happens.  It's frozen.
I try file:///
Nothing happens either.
I turn wifi on and reconnect to the access point.
Now both of these urls work.

So I ask:  Why should firefox need to access the net to look at the
hard drive in the laptop.

Some 1-2 months ago I found something similar in then recent version (but now looks to me as if it was solved since then):

When looked into locally saved web pages (and while being not connected to the Internet), and then after quitting firefox, some half a minute later it reported an error saying about some abnormal exit, or whatever.

But, when looked into locally saved web pages (while being connected to the Internet), and then after quitting firefox, no error message at all.

- Why would it like to be on-line while handling local content?

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