
On 7/9/18 19:37, aitor_czr wrote:

Hi Edward,

El 07/09/18 a las 17:59, Edward Bartolo escribió:
On 07/09/2018, aitor_czr<aitor_...@gnuinos.org>  wrote:
El 07/09/18 a las 12:00, Edward Bartolo escribió:
Aitor wrote:
"I spent a lot of time downgrading the frontend from Gtk3 to Gtk2,
because of the general preference in favor of this second one. The
packages for jessie will be available in a couple of days."

Thank you for caring about users.

Not at all:)

Why are you in denial? Don't bother, you will not get a halo above
your head, but if you care, why don't you admit it?

This parallels as to when I wrote that there is no ordering in complex
numbers. I got a reply contradicting my statement, notwithstanding,
there is a mathematical proof clearly illustrating this property.
Irrelevant statements like the argument that complex numbers have
moduli and the Argand Diagram were posted to prove how ignorant I am
in the subject. This is narciscism; it is very immature to live in
denial of other people's abilities. Those abilities will still
continue to exist whether one accepts them or not. Another case is the
denial that negative numbers decrease in value as their modulus
increases. Again, a narciscist came to the defense of the
indefensible. A mistake like that in a book intended for university
students should be corrected.

Please, make an effort to grow up.
This is the simple script used for the wireless connection attempts:

ifdown <device_name>
ip link set <device_name> up
pkill wpa_supplicant
wpa_passphrase <essid> <password> > <conf_file>
wpa_supplicant -B -c<conf_file> -i<device_name>
rm -f /run/network/ifstate.<device_name>
ip link set <device_name> up
sleep 1
ifup <device_name>

Maybe, the lines nº 6 and nº7 are superfluous. The line nº8 (that is, "sleep 1") is important, believe it.
As sysadmins, what do you think about the use of "pkill wpa_supplicant"?


I answer myself, referring to the use of pkill wpa_supplicant:

#include <signal.h>

int kill_wpa_supplicant(void)
    pid_t wpa_pid;
    FILE *fp;

    fp = (fopen("/var/run/wpa_supplicant.pid", "r"));
    if (fp == NULL) {
        printf("Couldn't read Wpasupplicant pid file, not trying to kill.");
        return 0;
    else {
        if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &wpa_pid) != 1) {
            printf("Couldn't read pid from Wpasupplicant pid file, not trying to kill.");
            return 0;
      if ((kill(wpa_pid, SIGTERM)) == 0)
          return 0;
      else {
          kill(wpa_pid, SIGKILL);
          return 0;

The <signal.h> header is required for the SIGTERM and SIGKILL:


As i said in a previous thread, i have also the C code for "ip link set <device_name> up/down".



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