Hallo Andreas,

    I just posted my solution. It is not quite what I wanted but in the end it helps.

    Thanks a lot.


Thanks to you all!  Unfortunately my machine works on i386 so I cannot use an amd64-package.

In the end I upgraded ascii to beowulf with the help of "Tips for successfully migrating Ascii DE to Beowulf as of 11-08-2018".  It seems to be working well and I have audacity 2.2.

Thanks again

On 08/09/2019 14:56, Andreas Messer wrote:
Hi Raúl,

On Fri, Sep 06, 2019 at 02:53:41PM +0200, Raul Claro wrote:
Dear Dev1ers,

     I am using Ascii very satisfactorily and do not want, for the time being
anyway, to migrate to a newer system. But I would need to use a higher
version of Audacity, not 2.1 any longer but rather 2.2 (or even 2.3) if
possible.  Is there anything in Devuan like the backports in Debian, where
some later packages were made available for earlier versions of the OS?
Where can I find a .deb-package Audacity 2.2.?
Well, you could be trying to take the audacity 2.2 package from
Debian (the Devuan package is actually taken unchanged from Debian)
and install it. But most likely this will pull in lots of other library
dependencies which can not be satisfied by ascii release. Of course
these can be manually installed also. But you should not do that
since your ascii install might easily become messed up by that ending
in hell when installing/upgrading in future.


One thing I often do by myself is to take the source package and
recompile it on my ascii install. In many cases this recompilation
works using the ascii libraries without updating them to newer versions.
(Similar thing is done for backports)

A workflow would be roughly like follows (shell):

$ git clone -b debian/2.3.2-2 
https://salsa.debian.org/multimedia-team/audacity.git audacity
$ cd audacity
$ dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc
$ sudo dpkg -i ../audacity*.deb

You migt be required to install additional packages: git, dpkg-dev. And
the dpkg-buildpackage command might also request extra packages to be

Hope this helps to solve your need.


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