On Sep 27, 2019, Didier Kryn wrote:
> Le 27/09/2019 à 00:25, Steve Litt a écrit :
>> Show of hands: Who ever perceived a problem with using /etc/passwd,
>> /etc/shadow, and /etc/group?   They   just   worked .
>     Imagine a computer with no user, just root, and an empty /home
> directory. You plug in your USB disk and, automatically, your disk is
> mounted under /home /and you become a user of this laptop/ - no need
> to have root priviledge and enter your name and password in the
> database. There's nothing precious on the computer, except the
> contents of /your/ disk.

So, now we're implicitly trusting $distro to maintain security for us,
and $initsystem to not include a small hook to send telemetry back to

I'm pretty sure that's one of many reasons many "Windows Users" have
been coming over to various distros (and subsequently complaining said
distros aren't easy because they're not Windows).

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