On 2019-10-30 03:44, Dimitris via Dng wrote:
On 10/24/19 11:38 AM, Daniel Abrecht via Dng wrote:

I'm using Roundcube Webmail 1.2.3 on devuan ascii,
I don't have any of those strange http links in these headers. I also
think this is most likely caused by a plugin of your roundcube mail client.

occasionaly i'm also, using latest upstream roundcube (1.3.10 currently)
as mua with several plugins. mailman headers from DNG show properly on
headers "page", not in the message window, broken like that..
so i also uspect it has to do with dyne.org webmail specifically, not
with devuan lists and/or roundcube in general..


I'm also using Roundcube Webmail 1.2.3. When I checked that, I noticed this plugin was installed:

- listcommands  GPL-2.0   Download

The "download" goes to: https://github.com/corbosman/listcommands

Mystery solved. Seems that is what is generating the humongous header. I am skeptical of its usefulness but not my call. Wish I could disable it locally.


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