
On 2/3/20 1:03, aitor wrote:

Hi again,

On 1/3/20 22:36, aitor wrote:

Hi all,

The shared library of simple-netaid is ready for use.
Here you are the packages for devuan beowulf in amd64:


Install all the packages and  write the following simple program:


#include <backend.h>

int main (int argc, char **argv)
    return 0;


You can build it linking the shared library and the headers with the following flags:

$ gcc main.c -o main -lnetaid -I/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/simple-netaid

Maybe  first of all you will need to update the ld cache via:

$ sudo ldconfig

Now, if you run the binary:

$ sudo ./main wlan0

you will get all the available active wifis (replace wlan0 by your <wireless_device>.

The above program is a very simple example, but shortly i will document the usage
of this library and some functions like, for example:

bool is_plugged(const char *device);
void show_devices();
void interface_up(const char *device);
void interface_down(const char *device);
void ifup(const char *device);
void ifdown(const char *device);
void print_active_wifis(const char *device);
void wired_connection(const char *device);
void wireless_connection(const char *device, const char *essid, const char *password);
void show_network_connection();
void disconnect(const char *device);




I fixed a bug related with the wireless_connection and uploaded the new packages.

You can test this function building the following code:


#include <backend.h>

int main (int argc, char **argv)
    wireless_connection(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
    return 0;


and running:

$ sudo ./main wlan0 <essid> <password>

It's working for me without failures.



I'm updating the packages. Some parts of the code need changes when upgrading from jessie to beowulf, mostly the code of iproute.


Build the folling example (as I explained above):


and run the following commands:

$ ./main 0

$ sudo ./main 1

$ sudo ./main 2 ESSID PASSWORD

$ sudo ./main 3

The first one says if you are connected; the second one gives you all the available active wifis; the third one connects to the wireless devices, and the last one disconnects the device.



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