Anno domini 2020 Sat, 14 Mar 23:54:07 -0700
 tom scripsit:
> On Sat, 14 Mar 2020 15:08:37 +0000
> Mark Rousell <> wrote:
> > I am not opposing your central message in any way, but...
> > 
> > On 13/03/2020 02:59, Steve Litt wrote:
> > > involves programming, and most people can't
> > > do that.
> > >
> > > Oh really? 12 lines of code and they can't do it (or have a friend
> > > help do it)?
> > 
> > Really. There is no way on earth that the average computer user could
> > even come close to writing a program or script and this applies to
> > most of their friends too.
> > 
> > Some people might be able to use a macro recorder or a graphical tool
> > that allows them to assemble functional blocks to create a script, but
> > even that much would be too much for most end users in my experience.
> > End users want to use, to consume. Creating/programming is not in
> > their mindset.
> > 
> > 
> > It strikes me that back when I first got into computers (the early
> > 80s), there was a sense of optimism that the rapid growth of widely
> > affordable technology would result in a new golden era of technical
> > literacy. Oh dear, how naive.
> > 
> > Instead, the techies, geeks and entrepreneurs made technology
> > *easier*. We made it so that it was easier for end users to consume,
> > to use what was offered to them. There was no need for the
> > non-technical end users to learn anything. It all just works. Or, if
> > it doesn't work, they throw it away and try something else. And so
> > that golden age of technical literacy has never really arrived. What
> > we have now is billions of consumers and, proportionately speaking,
> > fewer and fewer people who actually know how it all works.
> > 
> > Thus, the average user (even the average Linux user, I suspect) is not
> > going to be scripting stuff any time soon (other than maybe by typing
> > in stuff they Googled).
> > 
> I strongly feel like this kind of user should stay away from Linux and
> just use Windows. When those kind of users displace the original
> user-base of literate people they start making the system as a whole
> worse for the core community who built the thing in the first place.

Errr .... this is what just happend in the last decade(s), peaking in systemd 
and gnome3.

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