On Sun, 23 Aug 2020 03:19:12 -0700
spiralofhope <spiralofh...@spiralofhope.com> wrote:

> On Sun, 23 Aug 2020 09:59:53 -0400
> Hendrik Boom <hend...@topoi.pooq.com> wrote:
> > Is there an establiched word in the Linux/Unix xommunity
> > for something which might be a file or a directory?  
> Perhaps something like inode?

Inode is a number used to locate a file or directory, so it's the wrong
word for this purpose. I'd suggest either "file or directory", or to
coin your own word (filerectory?).

I coined the word wmde to stand for "Window manager or desktop
environment", because in many cases you can use either to fulfill the
same basic purpose.

Steve Litt 
Autumn 2020 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times
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