Στις 22/1/21 3:24 μ.μ., ο/η Erich Minderlein via Dng έγραψε:
Now I miss the section fail2ban in the logwatch daily mail

i don't use monit, just fail2ban and logwatch in some machines.
never had any issues with it.. neither in debian nor devuan machines . usually set it up and forget about it.. still works though..

check that `Service = All` and also what service exclusions exist in either /etc/logwatch/logwatch.conf or /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf

could also run manually, to check, eg :
# logwatch --detail Med --range Yesterday --mailto your@email

i'm guessing fail2ban is installed ok ( :D)
if nothing works, maybe purging + reinstalling logwatch could help..


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