- Twitch only supplies a QR code

- Twitch forces the use of Authy 2FA

Something very important is implied there, and probably only a few will notice it: there is a requirement for a smartphone.

Smartphones are notoriously known for:
- Being a closed/proprietary environment:
  * hardware
  * OS (unless jailbreaked)
  * Application "stores"
- From the previous point, being an easy target for vulnerabilities
- Being incredible eavesdropping enablers
- Being incredible privacy intrusion enablers

At the same time, emails are discarded as being unsafe/unenough for 2FA... but isn't it because *how* people/moral entities use emails (no DNSSEC, using external email providers - not mentioning GAFAM, cleartext)?

Are smartphones more secure than emails?
To people answering yes to the previous question: really?!

With the pretext of "security" slowly comes the forced-fed ownership of smartphones. As it is an object coming generations can't imagine living with, this message is/will be widely accepted without a thought.

This. This scares the shit outta me.

Bernard (Beer) Rosset
Dng mailing list

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