On Fri, 15 Jul 2022 16:52:12 -0400
Steve Litt <sl...@troubleshooters.com> wrote:

> Syeed Ali said on Wed, 13 Jul 2022 13:31:37 -0700
> >Microsoft has a great interest in embracing Linux via WSL with the
> >intent to obsolete the need to dual boot.  With many critical
> >distributions and software requiring systemd, it only makes sense to
> >make sure that WSL has complete support; indeed better support than
> >on Linux.  Combined Windows and WSL can thereby be extended nicely
> >in ways pure Linux cannot.  
> Your paragraphs contained the words "embracing" and "extended". You
> forgot the word "extinquish". :-)

I left that as a problem for the reader.  :)
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