On Sat, 2022-07-30 at 09:26 -0300, Fernando M. Maresca via Dng wrote:

> I, however, really don't know if the author is malicious or simply ignorant;
> these days there's a hord of people that think Debian's difficult. I
> don't know why.

I can think of only one reason: Debian's idealogical purity preventing 
drivers and firmware from being loaded on installation. And maybe Ubuntu and 
have better hardware recognition.

Hey, I used Ubuntu for six years: It's dead-bang easy. But sooner or later you
outgrow all that handholding that now seems like holding you back, and it's 
time to
move to Devuan or Void. And if those ever seem too handholding, Slackware, *too,
Arch variants without systemd, and *BSD beckon.

You know why I quit Ubuntu and switched to Debian? Because for the life of me, I
couldn't get rid of Plymouth and couldn't boot to CLI without renaming 
or putting exit 0 in shellscripts. When you're doing stuff like that, it's time 
move away from Ubuntu.

Ironically, just as I moved to Debian, Debian moved to systemd.

His criticism about "oldschool, not gui enough" is better applied to Void (and 
course Slackware) than Devuan.


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