On Mon, 30 Oct 2017, Konda, Tirumaleswar Reddy wrote:

An active attacker can drop DNS messages with DNSSEC records

The same attacker can block TLS to

set the CD bit in the DNS query, AD bit in the DNS response

That will do nothing to validating DNS servers, as they don't use those
bits for anything.

clear the DNSSEC OK bit in the DNS query

That will return a BOGUS answer and will be detected as DoS attack.

or strip the DNSSEC data from the DNS response to disable DNSSEC (Section 

That will return a BOGUS or INDETERMINATE answer and will be detected as
DoS attack.

You have not shown any actual active attack against DNSSEC. You have
only shown denial of service attaks by packet mangling/dropping. All
of that applies equally to TLS.


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