On 24 Sep 2018, at 7:08, Brian Haberman wrote:

> All,
>      I would like the focus for this week (9/24-9/30) to be on
> clarifying the requirements from the user's perspective. So far, I have
> seen:
> * DNS transaction privacy, if possible
> * User willingness to send PII if transaction is encrypted
> Do others have additional requirements?

Not a requirement, but a strong desire: ability for a resolver to efficiently 
discover whether an authoritative server has privacy enhancements turned on. 
With that ability, given a list of NS records, a resolver might choose the 
privacy-enhanced one first.

> If you agree with the above, could you describe a scenario to highlight
> the requirements?

The requirement for "DNS transaction privacy, if possible" is simple: it is 
known that malicious third parties will snoop the network for DNS traffic, and 
some resolver operators want to thwart that for the benefit of their customers.

--Paul Hoffman

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