Barry Leiba has entered the following ballot position for
draft-ietf-dprive-rfc7626-bis-06: No Objection

When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
introductory paragraph, however.)

Please refer to
for more information about IESG DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.

The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:


I have comments on the DISCUSS positions of Alissa and Warren, both of which I
support to some extent:

On Warren’s point, which I wouldn’t have made it a DISCUSS myself, I agree that
editorial changes are warranted so as to make the point more clearly and with
less baggage.  I think we all know what the document means here, but not all
readers will, and there’s sufficient FUD in this area that it behooves us to be
very careful about how we say things.  Avoiding things such as “alleged” and
“it has long been claimed” is easy, would go a long way toward clarity and
avoidance of feeding the FUD, and is worth a brief editing pass.  I leave it to
Warren to work the details out with the working group.

On Alissa’s first point — why publish this update now, rather than waiting
until more things shake out and settle down — I basically agree, though I’m
torn between thinking that waiting is better... and, on the other hand,
acknowledging that enough has already changed that it’s important to get the
update out there, and that it can be updated again later.

On her second point, I’ll go in a different direction: it’s bordering on silly
to think that any real end user can be said to “be aware of and have the
ability to control” anything related to DNS settings and resolution options. 
If “users” refers to those of us writing these specs, sure.  But when we’re
talking about our siblings and cousins and parents, who are doctors and nurses,
chefs and bakers, bank tellers and car mechanics, there is no hope of awareness
and understanding of the choices and their consequences, nor that any form of
“communicate clearly” will really accomplish anything.  I see little to
recommend pretending that it will.

So I, too, am not sure what this text is really meant to convey.

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