I haven't seen anything written down that explains why it is difficult to
do DoT to authoritative servers. There was a good discussion earlier this
year about draft-vandijk-dprive-ds-dot-signal-and-pin which covered some
of the issues. I have done a braindump that attempts to cover all the
angles reasonably systematically. I expect I haven't quite reached that
goal though, so I hope this will provoke some informative comments :-)
Since draft submission is closed, I'll paste it here for your delectation.

## Explicit encryption support signal

How can a resolver know an authoritative server supports encryption?
There are three basic alternatives:

 1. No explicit signal: the resolver tries to make an encrypted
    connection, and falls back to cleartext if it gets an ICMP
    unreachable error or connection timeout.

    This is problematic because connection timeouts can be very slow,
    especially if the resolver tries multiple encrypted transports.
    This is also is vulnerable to downgrade attacks.

    The working group consensus is that an explicit signal is

 2. Signal in an EDNS [@?RFC6891] or DSO [@?RFC8490] option: the
    resolver starts by connecting in the clear, and upgrades to an
    encrypted connection if the authoritative server supports it.

    This is vulnerable to downgrade attacks. The initial cleartext
    connection adds latency, and would need to be specified carefully
    to avoid privacy leaks.

 3. Signal in DNS records: the resolver makes extra queries during
    iterative resolution to find out whether an authoritative server
    supports encryption, before the resolver connects to it.

    The extra queries add latency, though that can be mitigated by
    querying concurrently, and by placing the new records on the
    existing resolution path.

    DNSSEC can provide authentication and downgrade protection.

This specification takes the last option, since it is best for
security and not too bad for performance.

## Where can nameserver encryption records go?

Where can we put the new DNS records to signal that a nameserver
supports encryption? There are a number of issues to consider:

  1. Performance: we don't want the extra queries to slow down
     resolution too much;

  2. Scalability: is encryption configured per nameserver? per zone?

  3. Authentication: DNSSEC does not protect delegation NS records or
     glue address records;

  4. DNS data model: we ought to re-use existing RRtypes according to
     their intended purpose;

  5. DNS extensibility: make use of well-oiled upgrade points and
     avoid changes that have a track record of very slow deployment;

  6. EPP compatibility: a zone's delegation is usually managed via the
     Extensible Provisioning Protocol [@?RFC5730] [@?RFC5731]
     [@?RFC5732] so any changes need to work with EPP.

The following subsections discuss the possible locations, and explain
why most of them have been rejected.

## In the reverse DNS?

Given a nameserver's IP address, a resolver might make a query like

        _853._tcp.    TLSA?

This possibility is rejected because:

  * It would be very slow: after receiving a referral, a resolver
    would have to iterate down the reverse DNS, instead of immediately
    following the referral.

  * At the moment the reverse DNS refers to the forward DNS for NS
    records; this would also make the forward DNS refer to the reverse
    DNS for TLSA records. Dependency loops are best avoided.

  * It's often difficult to put arbitrary records in the reverse DNS.

  * Encryption would apply to the server as a whole, whereas the
    working group consensus is that it should be possible for
    different zones on the same server to use encrypted and
    unencrypted transports.

## A new kind of delegation?

In theory, DNSSEC provides a way to update the DNS data model, along
the lines of the way NSEC3 was introduced [@?RFC5155]. The rough idea
is to introduce new DNSSEC algorithm types which indicate that a zone can
include new types of records that need special validation logic.
Existing validators will be able to resolve names in the zone, but
will treat it as insecure.

We might use this upgrade strategy to introduce new delegation records
that indicate support for transport encryption. However, it would
require a very long deployment timeline. It would also require a
corresponding upgrade to EPP.

This is much too difficult.

## Non-delegation records in the parent zone?

Although it's extremely difficult to change which DNS records can
appear at a delegation, in principle the parent zone could contain
information about a delegation in a separate subdomain, like

        zone.example.    NS    ns1.zone.example.
        zone.example.    NS    ns2.zone.example.
        _853._tcp.ns1.zone._dot.example.    TLSA (...)
        _853._tcp.ns2.zone._dot.example.    TLSA (...)

The `_dot` tag makes the TLSA records into authoritative data in the
parent zone, rather than non-authoritative glue-like records. To
improve performance, the parent zone's nameservers could include these
records in referrals as additional data. The resolver could
authenticate them with DNSSEC and immediately use an encrypted
connection to the child zone's nameservers.

Although this idea would be secure and fast and compatible with the
DNS, it is incompatible with EPP, so it is not realistically

## New DS record algorithm?

The basic idea is to introduce a special DNSSEC algorithm number that
can be used in DS records to indicate support for encryption. This
runs into a number of problems, ultimately because it's trying to
abuse DS records for an unintended purpose.

  * DS records are per-zone, whereas encryption support is per-server.
    Support for incremental deployment would need a hack like having a
    DS record per nameserver, with further hacks to make it possible
    for humans to understand encryption DS records.

  * DS records can be updated by the child zone's DNSSEC key manager
    using CDS and/or CDNSKEY records [@?RFC8078]; CDS implementations
    would need to be changed to avoid interfering with encryption DS

  * There is a similar problem with ensuring that these DS records can
    be updated through EPP. There are registries that generate DS
    records from DNSKEY records themselves, rather than using DS
    records submitted by the zone owner, so these encryption DS
    records would have to be specified as the hash of a special DNSKEY

  * Poor scalability: there are orders of magnitude more zones than
    there are nameservers. If the encryption signal is per-zone like
    this idea, then it requires orders of magnitude more work to

## Special-use nameserver addresses?

Could we abuse special IP addresses (such as a new special-use IPv6
address block) to signal support for encryption? This terrible idea is
listed for completeness; it's bad because:

  * It will cause problems for resolvers and other software that
    doesn't understand the special IP addresses and tries to use them
    as normal IP addresses;

  * Glue addresses are not authenticated by DNSSEC so it's vulnerable
    to downgrade attacks if the connection to the parent zone's
    nameserver is insecure.

## Authenticator in nameserver hostname?

We might signal support for encryption is in the nameserver hostname
itself, like [@?DNScurve]. There is room for more than 300 bits in a
domain name label, which is enough space to pack an authenticator
(such as a cryptographic hash of a certificate) into the hostname.

This trick would be compatible with the existing DNS and EPP, and it
avoids adding delays. But there are problems.

This idea would involve specifying a label format with roughly the
same functionality as a TLSA record.

Nameserver hostnames appear both in the zone's apex NS RRset, which
can be authenticated by DNSSEC, and in the delegation NS RRset, which
is not authenticated. So referrals are vulnerable to
encryption-stripping downgrade attacks if the connection to the parent
zone's nameserver is insecure. A resolver can avoid downgrades by
re-fetching and validating the zone's nameservers from signed
authoritative data below the zone cut, at the cost of exposing the zone
name to snoopw, and a round-trip query delay.

But the showstopper is its horrible scalability, even worse than the
DS record idea described above: every zone's delegation and apex NS
RRsets need to be updated to support encryption, and changed whenever
a nameserver's key changes. Nameserver operators and zone owners are
often different people, so key changes would require communication
across multiple organization boundaries. Normal DNSSEC DS record
updates involve the zone owner, primary server operator, and
registrar; this idea involves all of them plus the secondary server

## TLSA records alongside nameserver addresses

This idea is to use TLSA records in a straightforward way:

        ns1.zone.example.    A
        ns1.zone.example.    AAAA  2001:db8::1
        _853._tcp.ns1.zone.example.    TLSA    ( ... )

The TLSA records only appear in the zone's authoritative data, so
there are no delegation-related complications. They are signed with
DNSSEC, which protects against downgrade attacks.

It does not add any significant delay compared to a resolver that
validates nameserver addresses: when the resolver queries for the
nameserver's A and AAAA records, and the nameserver's zone's DNSKEY
records, it can also concurrently request the nameserver's TLSA

There is a clear framework for supporting other transports such as
QUIC, by adding more TLSA records. (With the caveat that each new
transport requires another query because the TLSA owner name varies
per transport.)

The main problem with this setup is that it needs something like glue:
in many cases a resolver will need to know a nameserver's TLSA records
in order to securely fetch the nameserver's TLSA records.

## Glue and nameserver TLSA records

The DNS needs glue addresses when a resolver follows a referral to a
zone whose nameservers are under the zone cut ([@!RFC1034] section
4.2.1). When the resolver wants to make an encrypted connection to
these nameservers, it also needs the TLSA records, which are also
under the zone cut.

The resolver can make an unencrypted query for the TLSA records, then
upgrade to an encrypted connection. This leaks the zone name to
on-path passive attackers. The extra query is also slower.

This might be acceptable in limited circumstances: If the zone
containing the nameserver records is not used for other purposes, then
a passive snoop already knows the zone name from the IP address of the
nameserver. Queries for other domains hosted on the same nameserver
can remain private.

## Encryption hint in nameserver hostname

Unlike embedding a complete authenticator in the nameserver hostname,
this idea adds a tag such as `dot--` to indicate that the nameserver
supports an encrypted transport. The nameserver's authenticators are
published in TLSA records.

This idea avoids scalability problems, because encryption hints are
only needed for nameservers that require glue ([@!RFC1034] section
4.2.1) and which cannot tolerate the privacy leak and delay that occur
when a resolver upgrades to an encrypted connection after fetching a
nameserver's TLSA records. Most zones can continue use the same
nameserver hostnames they use now, without `dot--` tags, as discussed
in (#hints).

Encryption hints are vulnerable to downgrade attacks if the connection
to the parent zone's nameserver is insecure. A resolver can avoid
being completely downgraded using the procedure described in the
previous subsection, but a downgrade attack can still force the
resolver to leak the zone name.

f.anthony.n.finch  <d...@dotat.at>  http://dotat.at/
Trafalgar: In southeast, easterly 4 to 6. In northwest, southwesterly 5 to 7,
becoming cyclonic 4 or 5 later. In southeast, moderate. in northwest, moderate
becoming rough. In southeast, fair. In northwest, showers. Good.

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