On Sat, 2020-10-31 at 13:52 -0700, Brian Dickson wrote:
> The most unambiguous signal possible, is the presence of a TLSA record on 
> _853._tcp.<NS_name>.

That's quite a far reaching statement, and I believe it likely to be

> Using NS names in a separate zone or zones (for each DNS operator) is 
> scalable, and facilitates DNSSEC signing, at little to no incremental cost 
> and little to no operational complexity

The incremental cost for a resolver (doing a full resolution process
for the TLSA records of one or more NS names) is not small, and neither
are the latency costs. For 'popular' name servers, this cost can mostly
be amortised, leaving the penalty with any domain hosted on a NSset
that only has a few domains.

> Using TLSA records at _853._tcp.<NS_NAME> in a signed zone provides an 
> unambiguous signal to use optionally TLSA, in a downgrade-resistant manner.

Not downgrade-resistant, until NS names in delegations become signed.
(I proposed some solutions for that in other threads; Fujiwara has
[independently, I think] now written a draft resembling one of those

Kind regards,
Peter van Dijk
PowerDNS.COM BV - https://www.powerdns.com/

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