On Wed, 2021-01-27 at 21:35 +0100, Peter van Dijk wrote:
> > I'm not one of the authors, but re-reading the draft with "intermingling" 
> > in focus, I think the issues are:
> > - The intermingling aspect originates in RFC5936 (over TCP)
> Several people have pointed that out to me - I totally missed that
> since forever. 5936 specified the intermingling in a very loose way,
> though.

And just now it was pointed out to me that 7766, which updates 5936,
has text like 'DNS clients MUST take care to minimize the number of
concurrent TCP connections made to any individual server.  It is
RECOMMENDED that for any given client/server interaction there SHOULD
be no more than one connection for regular queries, one for zone
transfers, ...'

But, it also goes on to say 'certain primary/secondary configurations
with many busy zones might need to use more than one TCP connection for
zone transfers for operational reasons (for example, to support
concurrent transfers of multiple zones).' and I feel the XoT document
is taking that to the next level :-)

Kind regards,
Peter van Dijk
PowerDNS.COM BV - https://www.powerdns.com/

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