Daniel, Joey,

On Thu, 2022-01-27 at 16:43 -0500, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> --------
> ### Substantive changes from -01 to -02
> - Clarify that deployment to a pool does not need to be strictly simultaneous
> - Explain why authoritatives need to serve the same records regardless of SNI
> - Defer to external, protocol-specific references for resource management
> - Clarify that probed connections must not fail due to authentication failure
> --------

Thank you for this, this document is evolving very nicely.

Speaking only for myself: some of the parts still seem too prescriptive
to me (but I know I haven't been clear on what parts!). Examples: 4.3.1
seems too focused on some specific load balancer implementations, and
causes a terrible combinatorial state explosion. 4.5 could perhaps use
some words along the lines of "we describe an algorithm here; you could
use another algorithm if it fits your implementation better, as long as
it has similar outcomes". I do like that it mentions happy eyeballs
without prescribing them.

Speaking for both myself and Paul Hoffman: we are happier with your
document than with our currently adopted work. We strongly suggest that
the WG adopts unilateral-probing so we can work out what it would take
to get some implementation work going.

Kind regards,
Peter van Dijk
PowerDNS.COM BV - https://www.powerdns.com/

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