Thanks.  I ended up setting up a virtual test environment to confirm.
That brought forth another question though.

So, weight seems to be honored on initial traffic receipt.  But if I
test by taking down the node with a higher weighting, so the traffic
shifts to nodes with lower weighting, then I bring the heavier
weighted node back into rotation, traffic does not seem to shift back
to it.  Now maybe it eventually does, but in 5 minutes or so of
testing it did not.  Even after taking away the test traffic from the
client and then re-applying it after a couple minutes, traffic was
still choosing the lesser weighted node, not the heavier weighted.  I
guess the question is if left for a longer length of time, would it
eventually start honoring the weight?

I'm finding to get the result I'm expecting I have to add ordering to
the mix via the "order" directive.


On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 2:27 AM, Remi Gacogne <> wrote:
> Hi Frank,
> On 07/26/2017 10:18 PM, Frank Even wrote:
>> So this likely comes off as a stupid question, but I can't seem to get
>> clarity from the documentation itself.
>> Is a higher numerical weight a "heavier" weight for that system or is a
>> lower numerical weight a "heavier" weight for the system?
> It's a good question and it looks like the answer is indeed not in our
> documentation, I'll fix that.
> A higher numerical weight means the backend is more likely to be
> selected by the policy, so more queries coming towards it.
> Best regards,
> --
> Remi Gacogne
> PowerDNS.COM BV -
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