Hi Christopher,

On 5/13/20 10:39 PM, Christopher Engelhard via dnsdist wrote:
> how exactly are the RPM packages on repo.powerdns.org created? I'm
> trying to build them locally, and it doesn't (and in my opinion can not)
> work.
> Background: dnsdist in Fedora lacks DoH support, because Fedora lacks
> libh2o-evloop. I was trying to rectify that, but h2o upstream is a mess
> of bundled libraries, so I decided to take a look at how your stuff is
> packaged, and I don't understand it at all (Taking dnsdist-1.5.0-rc2 for
> CentOS8 as an example here).
> - According to the specfile, dnsdist is built with
> --enable-dns-over-https (great!), but the package doens't have
> libh2o-devel as a BuildRequires:, and accordingly rpmbuild fails at the
> 'configure' step.
> - Moreover, even if I put the headers into the buildroot, since the
> repos (to my knowledge) lack libh2o-evloop, the package wouldn't be
> installable even if it was buildable.
> - The binary from the CentOS8 package does not seem to be linked against
> libh2o-evloop
> So, where does that binary come from, because it doesn't seem to come
> from the .src.rpm? Do I need libh2o-evloop for DoH support or not? What
> am I misunderstanding here?

If you look at [1] you will see that we do compile libh2o 2.2.6
ourselves during the build process for CentOS 7 and 8 because it's not
provided by the distribution, and install it. It is then statically
linked into dnsdist.
We are not very happy with that method and would prefer using a proper
libh2o-evloop package should one become available.

I hope that helps.


Best regards,
Remi Gacogne
PowerDNS.COM BV - https://www.powerdns.com/

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