Anand Rangarajan wrote:
I'm really sorry if this question has already been answered in the documentation. I couldn't find it. I have dnsmasq running on my linux box so that I can cache DNS requests because for some reason my ISP nameserver takes a long time to respond. For example, if I type, I get a "Looking for" for about 5 seconds which is then followed by name resolution. When I run dnsmasq, it caches (I know this because I've turned on logging and I see it in the messages) but it doesn't seem to cache it for very long. I can't be sure how long the cache survives, but after half an hour, it still takes 5 seconds to resolve the same request made earlier.

Q: How do I make the cache live longer---say a month?

The time which an individual name lives in the cache is controlled by the owner of the domain - Answers to DNS queries comes with a "Time-to-live" which is the number of seconds for which it is safe to cache the information. That value is set by the authoritative servers for the domain - it varies from seconds to weeks.

If you use a tool like "dig" to do queries, you can see the TTL values in the answers.

I've switched off ipv6 since firefox and ipv6 don't work well together on my SuSE 9.2 box. Also, the same behavior is noticed for some other requests like, Oddly enough, name resolution in firefox on XP Pro on the same box is very fast---one second or less. Very sad. This is why I looked into dnsmasq in the first place.

This is worth chasing: it implies that there might be a DNS misconfiguration in the Linux install. - If it's using the same servers as XP, and trying them in the same order, then it should be as fast.



Thanks for any help.


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