This is a flush of the queue in advance of the next Ubuntu and OpenWRT releases. There's little of real consequence, and no need upgrade unless you hit the DHCP-on-multiple-subnets bug.


            Fixed RedHat spec file for FC4 - thanks to Werner Hoelzl
            and Andrew Bird.

            Fixed Suse spec file - thanks to Steven Springl.

            Fixed DHCP bug when two distict subnets are on the same
            physical interface. Thanks to Pawel Zawora for finding
            this and suggesting the fix.

            Added logging to make it explicit when dnsmasq falls back
            from using RT-netlink sockets to the old ioctl API for
            getting information about interfaces. Doing this
            completely silently made remote debugging hard.

            Merged uclibc build fixes from the OpenWRT package into

            Added Norwegian translation - thanks to Jan Erik Askildt.



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