I've read the previous exchange about Dnsmasq and reboots with Openwrt. I've also read the bug activity at Openwrt.org. I'm running Openntp so time format is not an issue. Also, I would like to continue using the /tmp partition so the flash is not written. This only causes me one problem. When I reboot the router (running Dnsmasq), the leases file is cleared. When each machine's lease runs out (Windows XP in this case) and it tries to renew its lease, it gets an error because there's no previous lease. But it actually gets the same ip address and a new entry in the lease file when this happens. Is there any way that Dnsmasq could only give an error to the client if the requested address isn't available? It's not a problem for me that the lease file would need time after a reboot to be reconstructed while the leases expired. The real problem is the error drops all my Putty windows. :-)


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