On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Didster <dids...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Probably an odd request this, but is there anyway of getting dnsmasq
> to give a lease to either one machine or another but not both?

I'd agree with you about the "odd" part.

> So I have a small network of about 7 PCs on a static range.  Each PC
> is listed with its MAC address in a dhcp-host directive.  For 2 of the
> PCs, I only want one of the 2 machines to be able to get a lease at
> any one time.  So if PC1 has a lease, PC2s request will fail and vise
> versa.
> Is there anyway that can be done?

AFAIK, no, there is nothing that can force this behavior, it might be
against an RFC even.

I'm always curious when people ask questions like this, they are
trying to do something interesting and unique, I'd really like to hear
about why you want to do this.


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