On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 8:22 AM, Danijel Šili <shinh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, I found out named is part of bind9 so I uninstalled that and now dnsmasq
> starts up normally. I also gave static IP to all 3 interfaces and now I have
> internet connection on my linux box and my other computers see each other
> and linux box normally, but no internet connection there. Probably problem
> with iptables so I'll take this now to ubuntuforums
> (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9509066).
> Thanks for the help

Glad things are working.

Sounds like there is a small bug in dnsmasq if the error was that the
DNS port was in use but the message mentioned the DHCP port.  Whenever
Simon sees this thread I'm sure he'll make any necessary fixes.

> P.S.
> sorry for replying, havent used mailing lists on gmail yet.
>>Taking this back to the list.
>>Also, running netstat *should* have showed you not only what network
>>programs were running, but what port numbers they were using.
>>Depending on what parameters you used, you might get well-known ports
>>as names or numbers -- dns is 53 and dhcp uses the bootp ports, 67 and
>>If you want to use dnsmasq in the dns caching role, then yes you'll
>>want to disable or uninstall named.
>>On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 12:01 AM, Danijel Šili <shinh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> named looks like a conflict for the DNS port, don't see any DHCP
>>>> conflicts
>>>> If you wanted to use DHCP only, no DNS, try using the "port=0" option.
>>> If I wanted DHCP only I would've used dhcp3-server
>>> I dont even know what named is, and I dont think I installed it myself,
>>> should I just remove it?
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