Am 12.09.2011 16:15, schrieb SpiderX:
What I need is that dnsmasq assigns ip address (create DHCPOFFER
packet) based on remote-id or/and circuit-id, and not on sub-option 5
which will arrive only in RENEWING state.
Is there any chance that dnsmasq will do this?

1. SUB-OPTION 5 is not only in RENEWING state, it is also available within DISCORVER messages.

2. i don't think that dnsmasq will do this. The programm layout does not use remote-id or/and circuit-id for the dhcp-range selection. DNSMASQ tags the incoming request after valid dhcp-range was found. So your tags based on remote-id or/and circuit-id are useless.

@simon: is there a possibility to add a option like "circuit-id" to the --dhcp-range option? So when a DISCOVER-Message with circuit-id receives, dnsmasq knows, which dhcp-range to choose. circuit-id should take advance over other checks.

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