Surely the DNSMASQ_LEASE_EXPIRES variable should be captured also.

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 8:08 AM, Helmut Hullen <> wrote:
> Hallo, Pratik,
> Du meintest am 22.09.11:
>> And can I pls ask u to show me a simple script to do so??? I m
>> totally naive for scripting so.. Thanks in advance.. :)
> Just an example:
> Part of "/etc/dnsmasq.conf":
>        dhcp-script=/root/bin/clientname
> Script "/root/bin/clientname":
> #! /bin/bash
> # meldet den Client-Name fuer dnsmasq
> # wird in der "dnsmasq"-Konfiguration von "dhcp-script" aufgerufen
> export LC_ALL=C
> Log=/var/log/clients.log
> echo -e "${2}\t${3}\t${DNSMASQ_SUPPLIED_HOSTNAME}\t"$(date +%F\ %X) >> $Log
> #
> # -------------------------------------------------------------
> That script has another purpose than you want, but you may see how to
> use the dnsmasq variables.
> You can see more details via
>        man dnsmasq
> under "-6 --dhcp-script"
> The meaning of "${1}" to "${4}" is explained under "arguments" in this
> paragraph.
> p.e.: "${2}" contains the MAC address.
> Viele Gruesse!
> Helmut
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