All tests run with dnsmasq 2.64rc2

Rebuilt libvirt so that I was sure what was running.

1. libvirt gc2.35: bind-dynamic  interface=virbr__

2. libvirt gc2.36: bind-interfaces  except-interface=lo interface=virbr__

Wireshark run on p33p1 for each test.

After updating libvirt, waiting for stable situation, stopping net6 & net8, then

  --  start wireshark
  -- service restart libvirtd.service

Check to see what happened.  For both tests, the results were the same:

-- net6 and net8 RAs issued from the dnsmasq on a virtual network (see ICMPv6 Option Source link layer address)

-- In each case, the Ethernet II, Src is from p33p1

I continue to work on this.


Attachment: falcon-dnsmasq-p33p1-bind-dynamic-2.pcapng
Description: Binary data

Attachment: falcon-dnsmasq-p33p1-bind-interfaces-2.pcapng
Description: Binary data

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